Auteur Theory-reflection and feedback

Things that I did well

Explaining many of the main key aspects that makes Kubrick an auteur technical and key themes.
The use of video evidence to further explain the points.
The use of direct quotes from the auteur to give further understanding of the films.
Good analysis of scenes showing links between all of the different points.

Things to  improve

Explain what an auteur is in more detail.
Give more back ground information on  my chosen director.
Explain points in even more detail.

What I would include on a second

I would use an auteur theory quote then link it to Kubrick by saying how it was relevant to him.
Explain Kubrick's early life, use this to  link to how these experiences influence Kubrick's films.
Use more screen shots of films to compare whether he is an auteur or not thus covering his film filmography better. 

Observer: Sam Howard  


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